Surprise a friend or loved one with a beautiful flower bouquet that’s anything but ordinary. This LEGO Flower Bouquet features a host of beautiful blooms in an array of stunning colours – all cleverly made from LEGO pieces. The flower stems are adjustable so it’s easy to tailor the arrangement to suit any vase. Get creative with this mindful project and have fun building an eye-catching display.
Create a beautiful flower bouquet made entirely from LEGO pieces.
Discover new LEGO shapes and colours, inspired by real flowers.
Customize the display by adjusting the petals and stems.
Makes a great gift for adult LEGO fans or anyone who loves beautiful flowers.
The ‘snapdragon’, with its straight stem, measures over 14 in. (36 cm) high.
LEGO fans will love discovering the new shapes and colours.
Features over 17 unusual LEGO elements, creating realistic petal shapes.
Part of theLEGO Botanical Collection.
LEGO components connect perfectly and pull apart easily every time.
LEGO components meet strict global safety standards.